The Moment of Truth

This morning I stepped on my scale. After the shock wore off and I finished throwing a few unpleasantries in its general direction (you know you’ve done it), I realized that my once successful weight loss program had slipped into the abyss. It was time to get serious again.  I was going to get back to eating right and working out – RIGHT AFTER THE WEEKEND!!!! 

Why do we do that?  I personally think we look at starting a diet the way a groom looks at his bachelor party before getting married.  We think the we need to take time for one last wild and crazy indulgence; our one last chance to do everything we will NEVER be able to do again. 


Eating right and staying fit doesn’t mean we can never eat a carb again, or never indulge in a bite (or two) of chocolate, it just means that we have to have them in moderation. We will slip and we will be put in situations where we are unable to make the choices we should. It’s inevitable.  The trick is to focus and get back to the plan.  No need to punish ourselves or feel badly about what happened, we just need to continue on and try to make these occurrences as few and far between as possible. I think that’s the part I have been forgetting lately. OK, so now it’s time to get back on track.

Ready???  Here we go!